How to make visit to the Clinic super efficient ?
23 Nov 2020How to make visit to the Clinic super efficient ?
- While trying to book an appointment , try to tell whether it is first time or a follow up, even a small summary if possible so that the Doctor can allot more time if the case scenario is complicated.
- Recheck the time , date and location of appointment
- Come 10 to 15 minutes early
- At home write down questions that are to be asked
- Arrange your clinical records in order
- Remove bills from the file .. only prescriptions and investigations to be present
- Records should be filed in ascending order of time line
- If you have too many medical condition please write a summary in a separate paper
- If you are taking too many medicines , please write it on a paper so that repetitions are avoided.
- Wear Comfortable clothing so that examination by the Doctor is easy
- Mention about your Drug allergies if any.
- 1 or maximum 2 family members to accompany the patient
- Avoid kids or very elderly as accomplice to the patient unless inevitable.
- Minimise talking in the waiting room.
- Cell phones to be in silent mode in the Clinic